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North Regional TAFE operates within two main locations in Derby - the main campus located on Clarendon Street and a second modern centre on Loch Street with art and trades facilities, with parking available on campus.
The campuses service the geographical boundaries of the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley; encompassing an area of approximately 120,000 square kilometres that includes the towns of Derby and Fitzroy Crossing, the Fitzroy Valley communities and the Gibb River Road Communities.
Providing a quality education in a regional environment, this campus offers many of the courses via flexible delivery, traineeships and recognition of prior learning to meet the needs of students, local industry and the community.
Business hours
Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Contact details
- 40 Clarendon Street, Derby WA 6728
- PO Box 758 Derby, WA 6728
- Phone: 1300 996 573
- Email: info@nrtafe.wa.edu.au
Explore the courses available at Derby campus
^ You will pay half price for the course fees on the Lower fees, local skills courses, however other fees may apply such as for resources that are specifically needed for your training.
Half price^
Skill sets
^ You will pay half price for the course fees on the Lower fees, local skills courses, however other fees may apply such as for resources that are specifically needed for your training.
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4WD Training Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Conservation and Land Management
The delivery of this Skill Set will be face to face, combining both theory and practical exercises over a 2 day period – theory day 1 and practical day 2. You will be required to sit a theoretical exam on 4WD operation and safety. You will also get to put your theory into practice and perform a vehicle pre-start and a practical assessment which will include checking and driving the 4WD, the procedure of fitting a jack and recovery strap, inspecting the path of travel and routine maintenance, as well as, but not limited to, the vehicle utilising specific 4WD techniques.
Please bring along:
- Current driver’s licence
- 4WD with a full tank of fuel
- Closed in shoes
- Hat, sunscreen and sunglasses
- Plenty of water
RIIVEH305F Operate and maintain a four wheel drive vehicle
Skill set
Chainsaw Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Conservation and Land Management
Participants will learn how to:
- Safely operate and maintain a handheld chainsaw
- Recognise and report hazards
- Participate in arrangements for maintaining work health and safety
AHCMOM213 Operate and maintain chainsaws
AHCWHS202 Participate in work health and safety processes
Skill set
Chemical Handling Basics Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Conservation and Land Management
In this skill set, you will learn the following:
- Handling and transport techniques and requirements for chemicals
- Structure and content of chemical labels and safety data sheets and their use and purpose for safe chemical application
- Principles and methods of measuring, mixing and applying chemicals
- Features and functions of a range of application equipment, their operations, and maintenance requirements
- Risk factors to be taken into account for human and animal health, spillage and environmental impact relevant to chemical use before, during and following chemical application
- Basic chemical groupings and types used in the workplace, including:
- The of mode of action
- The impact on chemical safety
- Application methods
- Paths of entry of poisons into the body and the methods of limiting exposure through practices and personal protective clothing
- Maintenance practices for chemical application related equipment and PPE and disposal procedures for chemical contaminants and containers
- Assessing weather conditions and the impact on safe application of chemicals
- Components of a workplace chemical application plan
- Chemical related records and reports and their purpose.
AHCCHM201 Apply chemicals under supervision
AHCPMG201 Treat weeds
AHCWHS202 Participate in workplace health and safety processes
Skill set
Chemical Handling Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Conservation and Land Management
Students will learn how to:
- Identify the level of pest infestation and assess the need for chemical control
- Source information on Integrated Pest Management
- Identify potential hazards, assess risks, and implement control measures
- Select appropriate PPE for the chemical
- Interpret chemical labels and SDSs
- Calibrate equipment
- Mix chemicals accurately and according to their registered use
- Apply chemicals minimising spray drift
- Transport and handle chemicals complying with legislative requirements
- Store chemicals correctly and maintain inventory
- Treat chemical spills
- Dispose of any chemicals correctly and decontaminate equipment
- Complete application records
Completion of this course will enable participants to apply for the WA Department of Health’s Lawn and Gardening, Landscaping, Bushland & Minesite Rehabilitation licence. Please visit www.health.wa.gov.au for further details.
Students wishing to achieve AusChem accreditation will be required to purchase the AusChem AgVet National Manual. This resource can be purchased through North Regional TAFE.
What to bring:
- Steel capped impervious boots
- Long sleeved shirt
- Long pants
- Washable hat
- Lunch and water
- Optional change of clothes for day two
AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals
AHCPMG301 Control weeds
AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
Skill set
Certificate I in Conservation and Ecosystem Management
Delivered at:
Study modes:
Off campus
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Conservation and Land Management
Throughout this course, students will learn about natural area conservation, ecological restoration, nursery work, machinery operation and maintenance, safe work practices and basic chemical safety.
Students will complete written assignments and work in teams to undertake programs that assist in maintaining the natural environment. This course prepares students for entry-level positions in businesses and organisations such as ranger groups, nurseries, parks and wildlife.
PLEASE NOTE: An updated version of this Qualification is being introduced in 2025. As we are committed to providing you with industry ready Qualifications, new students will be enrolled in the latest version.
Certificate I
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Study modes:
Combined (Online and On Campus)
Sub study areas:
Early Childhood Education and Care
This course is the nationally regulated entry-level Qualification for educators who wish to support the development and well-being of children from birth to school age in an early childhood education and care setting.
Early childhood educators are in high demand, and the sector requires highly trained professionals to ensure consistently high standards of education and care for children in these services.
Our nurturing and passionate lecturers will guide students through all stages of this Qualification.
In this course, students will learn how to:
Support clients with their changing needs
Understand and respect cultural differences
Adapt to different policies and services
Identify the needs of local communities
Create services and facilities to meet those needs
Communicate clearly and effectively
Manage information and provide administrative support
Practice ethical behaviour in your work
Certificate III
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Study modes:
Combined (Online and On Campus)
Sub study areas:
Early Childhood Education and Care
This course equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to lead a child care service.
Students will develop skills in planning, implementing, and overseeing culturally appropriate programs for early childhood services, ensuring compliance with licensing, accreditation, and duty of care requirements.
Throughout this course, students will learn how to supervise staff and work with community members and external agencies to achieve successful outcomes. Students will also learn how to analyse and apply a range of specialised theoretical concepts to diverse work situations.
The early childhood education and care sector is experiencing increased demand, driven by population growth and an emphasis on the importance of early childhood development. This course provides students with an exciting opportunity to progress in to a rewarding and fulfilling career shaping the future of young people.
Excavator Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Civil Construction
Throughout this course, participants will learn about:
- Machine and general safety
- Excavator terminology
- Pre-start and post inspections
- Start up and shut down procedures
- Trenching
- Bulk excavation and lifting loads
RIIMPO320F Conduct civil construction excavator operations
* If participants are working in the civil construction industry or have previous experience documented in a logbook prior to undertaking this training, a fast track process may be available. Please talk to your local lecturer.
Skill set
Family and Domestic Violence Early Intervention Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Community Services
Learn effective questioning, active listening, and rapport building for early intervention in domestic and family violence.
CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence.
Skill set
First Aid Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Health Services
Participants will learn how to:
- Manage an unconscious person and the recovery position
- Perform CPR in an emergency situation (adult and infant)
- Provide first aid for a range of conditions
- Respond to an unknown first aid incident
Please note: This course consists of practical assessments that are completed while working on the floor, therefore we suggest wearing comfortable and appropriate clothing.
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
On successful completion of this course, students can request a credit for the CPR unit: HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Skill set
Forklift Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Civil Construction
Undertaking theory and practical activities, participants will be guided through the operation of a forklift, ensuring:
- Risk control measures are implemented
- Traffic management is carried out in accordance with workplace procedures
- Pre-start and operational checks are completed
- Loads are monitored correctly
- Shutdown procedures are carried out
Upon successful completion, participants will receive a Statement of Attainment and Notice of Assessment. NR TAFE will submit an Application for High Risk Work Licence (Class LF) on your behalf, providing all requirements* are met.
*Participants must be aged 18 years or over, and provide one primary form and one secondary form of identification, along with a passport photo. For details, please see https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe/apply-or-renew-high-risk-work-licence
The three-day course may also be shortened with prior industry knowledge or machine experience.
TLILIC0003 Licence to operate a forklift truck
Skill set
Human Resources Foundations Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Human Resources
Our HR Skill Set offers hands-on training in important areas like performance development, employee relations, recruitment, and supporting HR tasks.
By finishing this Skill Set, you'll gain skills that help with the BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resources and prepare you for the BSB50320 Diploma. This program is great for those already working in HR or those who want to start a career in this exciting field. It gives you the skills you need to succeed in different HR roles.
Skill set
Certificate I in Leadership
Delivered at:
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
General Education
This course has been designed to allow you to better connect with yourself, participate in teamwork, join networks and build the confidence to achieve meaningful outcomes in your life.
Throughout this course, you will participate in a practical project which not only benefits your class, community or workplace, but also contributes to your own skill development. Course content can be tailored around specific industry areas, depending on the group’s interest.
This course is available at other campus locations upon request.
Certificate I
Certificate II in Leadership
Delivered at:
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
General Education
This course has been designed to maximise your employability potential and develop your confidence to seek further employment or education.
You will learn how to establish and maintain productive working relationships using effective communication and teamwork skills, undertake and complete allocated tasks to workplace standards and meet various other workplace requirements.
A major component of this course is active participation in a team or community-based project. You are required to work in a team to undertake a practical project which benefits not only the team or community, but also contributes to your own skill development and achievement.
Certificate II
Diploma of Leadership and Management
Study modes:
Combined (Online and On Campus)
On Campus
Sub study areas:
This course aims to provide students with both academic knowledge and practical management skills.
Students will learn how to communicate as a leader and engage emotional intelligence to plan and problem solve. Furthermore, students will also have the opportunity to enhance their operational, budgeting and financial planning skills, with a focus on creating a sustainable competitive advantage in the workplace.
Successful graduates will be able to demonstrate initiative and sound judgment in planning, organising, implementing, and overseeing their own workload as well as that of others. They will be able to utilise effective communication skills to assist individuals and teams in meeting organisational or business objectives.
Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Health Services
Areas covered throughout this course:
- Perform CPR in accordance with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines
- Recognise and respond to an emergency situation
- Operate an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- Communicate details of the incident to emergency services
- Understand the legal considerations and welfare needs post incident
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Skill set
Roller Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Civil Construction
Participants will learn how to:
- Operate a roller
- Plan and prepare for roller operations
- Conduct machine pre-operational checks
- Adjust accessories
- Assisting with loading and unloading roller from float/trailer
- Carry out operator maintenance
RIIMPO317F Conduct roller operations
Skill set
Certificate II in Rural Operations
Study modes:
Off campus
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Throughout this course, students will undertake a combination of written assignments and hands-on tasks including tractor operations, cattle processing and mustering in teams.
Students will gain skills in machine operations, horse husbandry, handling and caring for livestock, treating weeds as well as installing and maintaining fencing.
After completing this course, students will be job-ready for entry-level positions in agriculture, farming, market gardens, and mixed rural enterprises.
This Qualification is taught by industry professionals with extensive experience in rural settings.
This course is currently only delivered to cattle stations and prisons.
Certificate II
Traffic Management Refresher Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Civil Construction
This refresher course will cover:
- Traffic control using a stop-slow bat
- Installing road safety signs and standard equipment in accordance with relevant government legislation
- Working safely when setting up traffic control equipment and directing traffic around road works
This course is appropriate for construction site and local council works.
RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
Please note: When enrolling, all participants are required to present proof of indentification, proof they have held a drivers licence for a minimum of 12 months within the past five years, and a current White Card.
Skill set
Traffic Management Skill Set
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
Civil Construction
This course covers:
- Traffic control using a stop-slow bat
- Installing road safety signs and standard equipment in accordance with relevant government legislation
- Working safely when setting up traffic control equipment and directing traffic around road works
This course is appropriate for construction site and local council works.
RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat
RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plan
Skill set
White Card Skill Set
Delivered at:
Study modes:
On Campus
Sub study areas:
The White Card Skill Set is a full day course that is nationally recognised and is incorporated into construction related qualifications undertaken at North Regional TAFE (NR TAFE).
The following topics are covered in this course:
- Health and safety legislative requirements
- Identifying construction hazards and risk control measures
- Health and safety communication and reporting processes
- Incident and emergency response procedures
Improve your job prospects by completing your White Card today!
Additional Information
Once you have completed this Skill Set you will be issued with your card within 5-10 days from NR TAFE.
Lost/Damaged cards
If you have lost your card or damaged your card and require a replacement, you must first identify the Registered Training Organisation that issued you with your construction induction or blue card and contact them to have it replaced. If you are unsure who issued the card you can find out at Worksafe WA's Construction Induction Training Card Database.
If your card was issued by one of the following providers you may request a replacement from NR TAFE.
- North Regional TAFE
- Kimberley Training Institute
The cost of replacement is $25, for a re-issue please complete the form at: https://www.northregionaltafe.wa.edu.au/current-students/request-your-award and we will be in contact to arrange this for you.
If the RTO that issued your cards is no longer operating, you will need to provide a Statement of Attainment (for the unit CPCCWHS1001) issued by the RTO and present it to North Regional TAFE to enable a re-issue of a general construction induction card.
Please be advised that if you cannot find your details, the name of the RTO, or your Statement of Attainment, you will need to undertake the Construction Induction Training. Courses being held at North Regional TAFE can be found here: https://www.northregionaltafe.wa.edu.au/courses/white-card-skill-set
CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
Skill set
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Explore the courses available at Derby campus
Derby campus services the geographical boundaries of the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley.
North Regional TAFE - Derby campus
40 Clarendon Street
Derby WA 6728